New technique to study clouds on exoplanets developed by researchers at MIT

New technique to study clouds on exoplanets developed by researchers at MIT

While exoplanets are now being discovered by the thousands, it is still a painstaking process to determine any specific details about them, since they...
Chemists develop best piezoelectric composite ever

Chemists develop best piezoelectric composite ever

Compounds of polyvinylidene fluoride and carbon nanofibers have proven to be the best piezoelectric composite ever made thus far. Along with other properties, the...
Biologists reveal the secrets of bioluminescence in mushrooms

Biologists reveal the secrets of bioluminescence in mushrooms

Only 71 species of the 100,000 known species of mushrooms glow in the dark. Some of the bioluminescent species of mushrooms are parasites of...
Scientists conclude that lunar lava tubes safe for human settlers

Scientists conclude that lunar lava tubes safe for human settlers

NASA may have abandoned plans to return to the moon for now, thanks to President Obama’s mandate, but other countries and a lot of...
Opossum protein synthesized as a better snake bite cure

Opossum protein synthesized as a better snake bite cure

The opossum is naturally immune to the venom of snakes. While an amino acid and a serum protein in the blood of the opossum...
Asteroid crater discovered in Australia that is 240 miles wide

Asteroid crater discovered in Australia that is 240 miles wide

An asteroid crater that is potentially the oldest known on Earth and absolutely the largest ever found has been identified by a team of...
Nova in 1670 was really colliding stars

Nova in 1670 was really colliding stars

Johannes Hevelius was a Polish astronomer and politician who is one of the few people to report the discovery of a new star formed...
Scientists create catalog of earthly life forms to help search for alien biology

Scientists create catalog of earthly life forms to help search for alien biology

With exoplanets now being discovered by the thousands, and estimated to be in the billions in our galaxy alone, attention is naturally turning to...
Manganese acts like speed in honey bees

Manganese acts like speed in honey bees

Manganese, as it exists in the present environment, acts on honey bees in a way that is very similar to the long-term effects of...
Danish chemists discover the first positive atom bonding

Danish chemists discover the first positive atom bonding

Positive atoms can bond to positive atoms despite the prevailing molecular orbital theory that at present indicates that the bonding of positive atoms to...

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