New evidence for how blood clots may form in very ill COVID-19 patients

New evidence for how blood clots may form in very ill COVID-19 patients

IMAGE: Photomicrographs of human lung tissue taken from a patient who died of...

Social distancing and dying alone

IMAGE: Martha A. Q. Curley, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor of Nursing at the...

The gut shields the liver from fructose-induced damage

PHILADELPHIA -- After one consumes food or a beverage containing fructose, the gastrointestinal system, or gut, helps to shield the liver from damage by...

Even in the worst COVID-19 cases, the body launches immune cells to fight back

IMAGE: COVID-19 samples are stored in large liquid nitrogen tanks. ...

Engineered immune cells recognize, attack human and mouse solid-tumor cancer cells

IMAGE: U. of I. postdoctoral researcher Preeti Sharma and her colleagues engineered a...

Integrating pharmacists into general practice can optimize patient treatment

Monday, 29 June: Research undertaken by RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences suggests that integrating pharmacists into general practice (GP) teams facilitates collaboration...

Faecal microbial transplantation more effective and less costly than antibiotics

An innovative treatment for patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) which uses transplanted gut bacteria to treat the infection, is a more effective and...

How upregulation of a single gene by SARS-CoV-2 can result in a cytokine storm

IMAGE: AhR activation in CoV-infected cells. CoV activate AhR by means of AhR-activating...

At-risk twin pregnancies benefit from an intervention called cerclage

(PHILADELPHIA) - Women carrying twins are at higher risk for premature birth and miscarriage - those whose cervix dilates before 24 weeks are at...

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