Thursday, April 25, 2024

Research: Bedbugs evolved more than 100 million years ago —

Bedbugs -- some of the most unwanted human bed-mates -- have been parasitic companions with other species aside from humans for more than...
Research finds nature-based activities can improve mood, reduce anxiety

Research finds nature-based activities can improve mood, reduce anxiety

Outdoor nature-based activities are effective for improving mental health in adults, including those with pre-existing mental health problems, a new study has found. The research...

Research: Volcanic ash impact on air travel could be reduced says new research —

Manchester-based Volcanologists have developed a method and camera that could help reduce the dangers, health risks and travel impacts of ash plumes during...

Unknown currents in Southern Ocean have been observed with help of seals (Study)

Using state-of-the-art ocean robots and scientific sensors attached to seals, researchers in Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg have for the first time...

Research: Platinum clusters consisting 19 atoms perform 50 times higher catalytic activity —

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology produced subnano-sized metallic particles that are very effective as catalysts for the oxidation of hydrocarbons. These catalysts...

Research: Beef jerky and other processed meats associated with manic episodes —

An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates -- chemicals used to cure meats such...
Researchers found mineral never seen before in nature

Researchers found mineral never seen before in nature

Researchers have discovered a new mineral, one never before seen in nature, lodged inside a meteorite found near Wedderburn in central Victoria. This meteorite is...

Research: Knowledge from gypsy moth genome could aid fight against deforestation, give insights into...

The European gypsy moth (EGM) is perhaps the country's most famous invasive insect -- a nonnative species accidentally introduced to North America in...

Biology: Chromosome defects seen from over-exchange of DNA in sperm and eggs

Photo: Fluorescent image shows chromosomes (green) segregating in two developing eggs. In each...
Another near miss: Lost asteroid to fly between moon and Earth

Another near miss: Lost asteroid to give Earth a very close shave

There Were 17 Enormous asteroids that passed near our An asteroid that’s larger than an ordinary cricket registered recently flew beyond Earth. It’ll reach its...

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