Researchers Discover the Correlation Between Our Vision

Researchers Discover the Correlation Between Our Vision

A new research has found out an overlap between human and machine, helping us understand how virtual eyes perceive things different as compared to...

Research: Wood density of European trees decreasing continuously since 1870 —

Trees are growing more rapidly due to climate change. This sounds like good news. After all, this means that trees are storing more...

Research: Clues from a Somalian cavefish about modern mammals’ dark past —

After millions of years living in constant darkness, a species of blind cavefish found only in Somalia has lost an ancient system of...

Research: Decline in shorebirds linked to climate change, experts warn —

Climate change could be responsible for a substantial decline in populations of shorebirds, say researchers from the Milner Centre for Evolution at the...

Research: Molecular inhibition gets cells on the move —

To respond to changes in their environment, individual cells, including some of those that compose complex organisms, need to move. This can be...

Research: Gut microbiome differs among ethnicities —

Research increasingly links the gut microbiome to a range of human maladies, including inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and even cancer. Attempts to manipulate...

Research: New class of solar cells, using lead-free perovskite materials —

Lead-based perovskites already gained much attention as promising materials for low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells. However, the intrinsic instability and the toxicity of...

Research: Tiny Neptune moon spotted by Hubble may have broken from larger moon —

After several years of analysis, a team of planetary scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has at last come up with an explanation...

Research: Alternate ecological strategies help birds survive unpredictable conditions —

Big brains can help an animal mount quick, flexible behavioral responses to frequent or unexpected environmental changes. But some birds just don't need...

Research: Novel nanoparticle-based approach detects and treats oral plaque without drugs —

When the good and bad bacteria in our mouth become imbalanced, the bad bacteria form a biofilm (aka plaque), which can cause cavities,...

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